
Taken on assignment MOSAiC Expedition, Photo by Steffen Graupner

Taken on assignment MOSAiC Expedition, Photo by Steffen Graupner


Hello, I’m Lianna Nixon

I am an educator, professional filmmaker, and award-winning published photographer based in Boulder, Colorado. I am particularly interested in stories that explore the relationships of the natural world, wildlife, technology, and identity development as agents for change. For the past seven years, I have worked on numerous projects that have explored these topics.

I am also a Master’s Student studying at the University of Colorado Boulder School of Education: Learning Sciences and Human Development. I am interested interdisciplinary program design around storytelling technologies, activism, identity development, and learning outcomes around natural sciences.

To learn more about other opportunities and projects I have been part of, please refer my resume.

Having these opportunities has helped me develop skills for expedition photography and film, storytelling, photojournalism, expedition logistics, curriculum creation, media coordination, and managing workflow systems.

With this website, I hope to bring you into the world I have captured through my lens. If have any inquiries around consulting work or prints, please contact me directly. Thanks for stopping by!

Who I have worked with: